House debates

Monday, 26 February 2024

Statements by Members

Durack Electorate: Rescue Helicopter

4:21 pm

Photo of Melissa PriceMelissa Price (Durack, Liberal Party) Share this | | Hansard source

I want to talk today about a recent decision of the WA state Labor government to reject the establishment of an emergency rescue helicopter based in Geraldton, which is the largest regional population base in the electorate of Durack.

Currently, not one emergency helicopter exists in Durack or, indeed, anywhere in WA north of Perth. Geraldton Hospital does not have an ICU; therefore, patients are frequently flown to Perth for care. For the past six years Geraldton marine rescue volunteer Ian Dempsey, alongside local community groups, has worked incredibly hard to campaign for this essential service. Their efforts culminated in a community petition, tabled in state parliament and supported by an inquiry, highlighting the critical need for such a facility in our region. Yet despite the overwhelming evidence and community outcry, our voices have been dismissed, leaving us feeling neglected once again.

This decision underscores the city-centric approach of the Cook Labor government, where regional lives appear to be less important. Medical emergencies wait for no-one—as you know, Mr Deputy Speaker Young—and the absence of a dedicated rescue helicopter puts my Mid West constituents' lives at greater risk. I implore the state government to reconsider their decision and prioritise the safety and wellbeing of all Western Australians, regardless of their postcode.