House debates

Monday, 26 February 2024

Statements by Members

Cost of Living

1:46 pm

Photo of Daniel MulinoDaniel Mulino (Fraser, Australian Labor Party) Share this | | Hansard source

I'm proud to be a member of a government, the Albanese government, that is prioritising measures to deal with inflation and cost-of-living pressures—a challenge that arose from international supply chain blockages and the illegal invasion of Ukraine. That's why we're delivering $23 billion in targeted relief while not adding to inflation. We've implemented a targeted approach so that assistance goes to those who need it most, and it's structured so as not to add to inflation—something that the RBA has confirmed on a number of occasions.

Our cost-of-living package includes a number of measures, including wages rising at the fastest rate in a decade, increases in the minimum wage and a significant increase in pay for aged-care workers. This was confirmed in data last week which showed real wage increases over the last year. It also includes electricity bill relief, cheaper child care, expanding parental leave, making medicines cheaper, building more social and affordable housing and, of course, fee-free TAFE. But what's really important is that those opposite have voted against every single one of those cost-of-living measures, whether it be cheaper energy, the HAFF or it be absolutely any measure to help people get higher wages. Then they come in here and complain about energy prices and wage levels.

We are also implementing measures for the long run, including investing in skills, domestic supply chains and infrastructure. The Australian people want solutions, not knee-jerk opposition. And solutions are exactly what this government is providing.