House debates

Thursday, 29 February 2024

Statements by Members


1:31 pm

Photo of Carina GarlandCarina Garland (Chisholm, Australian Labor Party) Share this | | Hansard source

Our government wants Australians to earn more and keep more of what they earn, which is exactly what will happen when Labor's tax cuts kick in on 1 July, with 13.6 million Australian taxpayers benefiting and 3.5 million Victorians benefiting. Three million more Victorians will be getting a tax cut compared to the previous plan, and 86 per cent of Victorian taxpayers will now be getting a bigger tax cut thanks to Labor's tax plan. When it comes to Victorian women, I am so pleased that an estimated 90 per cent of women will receive a bigger tax cut under Labor's tax plan. That is 1.6 million Victorian women receiving a tax cut, with 1.5 million of these women receiving a bigger tax cut under our tax plan. I am so pleased that these tax cuts will also benefit many students and young people who live in my electorate, with 98 per cent of young people receiving larger tax cuts under our plan. This, of course, will assist young people and students not only while they're studying but also after they've graduated. For instance, a graduate teacher in Victoria earning $77,000 will receive a tax cut of over $1,600. Only Labor wants Victorians to earn more and keep more of what they earn. I'm a proud member of the Australian Labor Party and a proud Victorian.