House debates

Thursday, 29 February 2024

Statements by Members

Dunkley By-Election, Housing

1:34 pm

Photo of Mary DoyleMary Doyle (Aston, Australian Labor Party) Share this | | Hansard source

On Saturday, the voters in Dunkley will be heading to the ballot box, and I know that every vote for Jodie Belyea is another vote to make sure that Australians get a fair go.

Housing is a part of the Australian dream, and, after a decade of inaction from those opposite, I'm so glad to be part of a government that is going to help more Australians buy a home. The housing challenges faced in Australia are serious, and the Albanese Labor government is committed to implementing measures that seek to address the supply concerns that have been left by those opposite. The electorate of Dunkley has many people who have aspirations to own their own home, and Labor's Help to Buy scheme will assist many to reach that dream. No matter how hard the members opposite huff and puff, it is clear to all that the Albanese Labor government cares. It is listening and is willing to put people before politics.

I repeat to the House what I said in the chamber earlier this week. I know that voters in Dunkley this weekend have a choice between a Labor candidate, Jodie Belyea, who supports billions in targeted relief, and a Liberal mayor who has only increased the pressures on families with massive local government rate hikes in the middle of a cost-of-living crisis. A vote for Jodie Belyea is a vote for a local voice committed to helping people in Dunkley with the cost of living.