House debates

Thursday, 29 February 2024

Statements by Members

Liberal Party of Australia

1:43 pm

Photo of Gordon ReidGordon Reid (Robertson, Australian Labor Party) Share this | | Hansard source

We continue to see economic and fiscal depravity from the Liberal Party, disappointment coming at warp speed from the Liberals and forcing their division and negativity on the Australian people, while the Labor Party, the government, remains the party of economic security, stability and prosperity, ensuring that no-one is held back and no-one is left behind, with progressive, inclusive and fair taxation and fiscal policy, making sure—you guessed it—people earn more and keep more of what they are earning. The Liberal Party are killing aspiration in this country and killing the aspirations of every Australian. The Liberal Party are determined to raise taxes in Australia—and not just income taxes. They are also determined to introduce taxes to see the GP or to visit an emergency department. We've seen it from the Leader of the Opposition. We saw it when he was the health minister. They haven't ruled it out if they get the chance next time. It breaks my heart. With that, the Liberals are hell-bent on economic chaos, and they are committed to rolling back Labor's tax cuts and making people work longer and for less. You can't trust the Liberals on tax, you can't trust the Liberals on the economy and you can't trust the Liberals on the health of the nation.