House debates

Thursday, 29 February 2024

Statements by Members

Women's Economic Security

1:58 pm

Photo of Zaneta MascarenhasZaneta Mascarenhas (Swan, Australian Labor Party) Share this | | Hansard source

Money is power or, rather, economic empowerment. Women in Australia are now one step closer to getting a bigger tax cut on 1 July. An incredible 90 per cent of Western Australian women will receive a bigger tax cut because of the Albanese Labor government. I note the theme of International Women's Day, 'Count her in: Invest in women. Accelerate progress,' and that's exactly what the Albanese Labor government are doing. We are empowering women and we're giving them more economic opportunity and more autonomy. What's disempowering is when women are subjected to financial abuse. Women facing financial abuse can't keep more of what they earn, because their earnings are being controlled by their partner. This parliament has an opportunity to stamp out financial abuse, and my government is seriously committed to combating family and domestic violence.

Photo of Milton DickMilton Dick (Speaker) Share this | | Hansard source

In accordance with standing order 43, the time for members' statements has concluded.