House debates

Wednesday, 20 March 2024

Constituency Statements

Holt Electorate: Telecommunications

10:01 am

Photo of Cassandra FernandoCassandra Fernando (Holt, Australian Labor Party) Share this | | Hansard source

In this digital age, where technology is part of every aspect of our lives, access to good mobile connectivity is not merely a luxury but a fundamental necessity. Whether we are communicating with loved ones, accessing vital information, finishing work or study, or seeking emergency assistance, the ability to stay connected at all times is crucial.

While access to mobile connectivity is comparable to access to water or electricity in the modern world, there continue to be communities that face difficulties in availing good mobile reception. This includes the suburbs of Clyde and Clyde North in my electorate of Holt. A recent survey of these suburbs commissioned by me returned shocking results. Not only did an overwhelming majority of people rate their coverage to be below five out of 10, but many also detailed horror stories they have experienced. These included living in perpetual fear of not being able to call triple 0 in an emergency, having to drive to the nearest Macca's to access the internet during an NBN outage and being totally isolated from connectivity when walking or driving around the suburb. Thanks to the 4,000-plus households who responded to my survey, I have been able to relay their feedback to the major telecommunication providers and the City of Casey, the local government area within which Holt is located.

I am pleased that the Albanese government is committed to bridging the digital divide. The government's Peri-Urban Mobile Program, PUMP—established to target longstanding coverage and reception issues on the peri-urban fringe, in areas like Clyde—has been crucial to this commitment. I'm also delighted that the Albanese government recognises that mobile connectivity is essential to modern societies like Australia's. This is demonstrated through the government's Telecommunications in New Developments policy. This policy places expectations on developers to actively consider the inclusion of mobile infrastructure in new developments to help ensure residents have access to a reliable mobile service when moving into a new home. Through policies like these, I am confident that residents in future developments will not have to experience the same issues as my constituents in Clyde and Clyde North.

Photo of Alicia PayneAlicia Payne (Canberra, Australian Labor Party) Share this | | Hansard source

In accordance with standing order 193, the time for members' constituency statements has concluded.