House debates

Wednesday, 20 March 2024

Statements by Members


1:56 pm

Photo of Sam RaeSam Rae (Hawke, Australian Labor Party) Share this | | Hansard source

Yesterday, the Australian Energy Regulator released their draft default market offer, which showed that working people are set to receive some much-needed energy bill relief. This saving comes after the Albanese Labor government provided $3 billion in direct energy bill relief to five million households and small businesses and capped the prices of coal and gas. While the DMO shows positive signs for households, we know there's more work to do. The Albanese Labor government is committed to ensuring Australians have access to affordable and reliable energy into the future.

Unfortunately, the same can't be said for those opposite. The Liberals wasted a decade, flip-flopping between 20 different energy policies and eight different ministers while failing to secure our energy future. They weren't just inept and ineffectual; they showed contempt for the Australian people. On the eve of the last election, the member for Hume even changed the law to cover up his incompetence and conceal the Liberals' 20 per cent energy hike for Australian households. Sadly, despite their clear failures in government, the Liberals in opposition continue to stand in the way of cheaper energy prices. They opposed direct energy bill relief. They opposed price caps on coal and gas. Now their solution is to invest in nuclear energy, the most expensive form of energy available.

While the Liberals are stuck on yet another ideological 'fission' expedition, the Albanese Labor government is getting on with delivering lower power prices for all Australians.