House debates

Wednesday, 20 March 2024

Distinguished Visitors

AUSVEG, GrainGrowers, Eating Disorders Families Australia, City of Joondalup

2:14 pm

Photo of Milton DickMilton Dick (Speaker) Share this | | Hansard source

Before I call the next member, I've got number of acknowledgements I'd like to make in the House. I'm pleased to inform the House that present in the gallery today is a delegation of state and territory board members from AUSVEG, including Bill Bulmer—from the mighty electorate of Gippsland, the member for Gippsland tells me. Also present are 15 representatives from GrainGrowers, representing from all across Australia as part of the GrainGrowers National Policy Group's visit to the capital. Also present are members from Eating Disorders Families Australia, including the former member for Higgins, Dr Katie Allen, and Mayor Albert Jacob and CEO and Councillor Rebecca Pizzey from the City of Joondalup. Welcome to you all.

Honourable members: Hear, hear!