House debates

Monday, 25 March 2024

  • Forde Electorate: Community Events (1 speech)
    As we, in this place, all know, we have a range of wonderful community organisations in our electorates. Normally, over the course of weekends, many of them are out and about doing really...
  • Lalor Electorate (1 speech)
    The electorate of Lalor, my electorate, is home to Wyndham City, which is one of Australia's fastest-growing municipalities. It currently has a population exceeding 300,000 and is expected to...
  • Economy (1 speech)
    Google Maps, pacemakers, medical penicillin and wi-fi: what do these life-changing innovations have in common? They were all created by Australians. It is undeniable that we were once a nation of...
  • Cohen, Dr Hershal (1 speech)
    It is a privilege to have a platform in this place to spotlight the contributions of remarkable individuals in our communities. While they may not be widely recognised beyond their local areas,...
  • Health Care (1 speech)
    Firstly, I want to commend the member for Macnamara and pass on my condolences to him and his family. I have no doubt that his grandfather was very proud of him. This is a robust environment, but...
  • Endometriosis Awareness Month (1 speech)
    It feels like only yesterday that I was standing in this place talking about endometriosis awareness last year. But as we come towards the close of Endometriosis Awareness Month I feel it...