House debates

Monday, 25 March 2024

Statements by Members

World's Greatest Shave

4:28 pm

Photo of Mary DoyleMary Doyle (Aston, Australian Labor Party) Share this | | Hansard source

Every year, thousands of Australians step up to shave, cut or colour their hair for the World's Greatest Shave. It's the ultimate act of support for people facing blood cancer. Blood cancer is Australia's hidden cancer crisis. There are 140,000 families facing blood cancer right now, and it takes the lives of 16 Australians every day. Every dollar raised helps provide families with practical and emotional support to get them through the many challenges that blood cancer brings.

A little while ago, I visited a Scope Boronia Social Connections day program when they took part in the World's Great Shave. Scope supports people with complex intellectual, physical and multiple disabilities. Their great team of people include specialists in communication and positive behaviour support. They are dedicated to working in partnership with clients, carers and families. It was great to meet Cherisse, one of the clients of Scope in Boronia, who took the brave step of cutting off both her long plaits and shaving her whole head to support and raise awareness of those living with leukaemia. Todd, one of the staff at Scope also took part by shaving off his moustache. Thank you to Todd and all the other staff at Scope in Boronia who do an incredible job for our community. Huge congratulations to Cherisse, who is raising money, and to everyone else in the community of Aston who have participated this year in the World's Greatest Shave.