House debates

Monday, 25 March 2024

Statements by Members

Wills Electorate: Shop225

1:37 pm

Photo of Peter KhalilPeter Khalil (Wills, Australian Labor Party) Share this | | Hansard source

My electorate of Wills is blessed to be home to some of the best food in Melbourne, which means the best food in Australia and in the world. So we're spoilt for choice, with so many amazing local businesses. It's always good to have your beliefs validated, though, and I'm glad that 50 Top Pizza, the first guide to the world's best pizzerias, has done that. I want to extend my congratulations to Pascoe Vale's own Shop225 for being named one of the top three pizza shops in Melbourne and one of the top 10 in Australia. For those who've enjoyed a pizza at Shop225, it won't come as surprising news. Their commitment to quality ingredients and authentic Italian flavours shines through the whole menu.

I think it's even more impressive that it's the first pizza shop accredited in the whole of Australia accredited by Coeliac Australia. They've elevated gluten-free pizza, making it into an art form, and managed to cater to everyone's dietary requirements while still keeping a hold of their true Italian roots. In doing so, they've led the way for many more restaurants to follow in their gluten-free footsteps. To achieve such recognition in a city as culinarily competitive and diverse and as Melbourne speaks volumes about Shop225's iconic status in my local electorate. So to Lorenzo, Roberto and the entire team at Shop225: congratulazione. Once again, here's to many more years of success, growth and delicious food shared among family and friends.