House debates

Monday, 25 March 2024

Statements by Members

Whitton, Ms Lisa, Camp Quality, Grafton Tour de Cure

1:44 pm

Photo of Kevin HoganKevin Hogan (Page, National Party, Shadow Minister for Trade and Tourism) Share this | | Hansard source

I'd like to congratulate and thank Lisa Whitton from Grafton on her recent retirement after 42 years working at Coles, and for her nearly 30 years of volunteering service at Camp Quality in Northern Rivers. Lisa was an incredibly positive member of Grafton Coles who will be certainly missed in her retirement. Lisa also recently received the Northern New South Wales Gillard Award for her incredible years of service at the children's cancer research charity, Camp Quality. She has built strong connections to promote Camp Quality, while also helping to bring in more advocates to make a difference to the next generation of Camp Quality kids. Lisa plans to spend more time in her retirement with family and to volunteer at Camp Quality. I wish you well in your retirement, Lisa.

I'd also like to acknowledge and congratulate members of the Grafton Tour de Cure. Mark Hackett, Peter Grainger and Jon and Keaton Ingram began their tour in Hobart and finished, over 1,400 kilometres away, in Adelaide. For a total of nine days, the Grafton Gang team rode between 120 and 180 kilometres each day, raising an amazing $43,480. The Grafton team's funds will go towards Tour de Cure's annual grant round. In addition, the team donated $10,000 to a local charity in each town they stayed at, with money going towards the care of local cancer patients. Thank you to Mark, Jon and Keaton and Peter on your incredible cycling journey and your contribution to cancer research.