House debates

Wednesday, 27 March 2024

  • Berowra Electorate: Telecommunications (1 speech)
    In the Berowra electorate, we lag behind the rest of Australia when it comes to telco, because we're neither city nor rural and parts of the electorate fall through the cracks. As the Minister...
  • Blood Cancer (1 speech)
    I rise today to recognise a member of the Illawarra community on a truly outstanding achievement. This year marks 26 years of Joe Alves shaving his head for the World's Greatest Shave. Over the...
  • New Vehicle Efficiency Standard (1 speech)
    The new vehicle efficiency standard—the tradie tax or the family car tax, as we call it—will hit everyday Aussies hard. This is why I supported the motion moved today by the member...
  • Tangney Electorate: Lynwood Senior High School (1 speech)
    Education is the passport to the future. Last week I was honoured to attend an event celebrating Lynwood Senior High School's 50th anniversary and the successful completion of the extensive $25.3...
  • Mayo Electorate: Treecovery Ltd (1 speech)
    I recently attended the Lobethal worksite of Treecovery Ltd, which has been undertaking works in the northern part of the Adelaide Hills to aid the recovery after the bushfire disaster of the...
  • Bean Electorate: Capital Chemist Southlands, Cost of Living (1 speech)
    I rise to congratulate Capital Chemist Southlands on being named Guild Pharmacy of the Year 2024. Capital Chemist Southlands stands out for its comprehensive approach to healthcare and pharmacy...
  • Qantas (1 speech)
    My grandfather was one of the people who put a lot of money behind a little fledgling airline called Qantas, and I recently wrote a letter to them in which I said that Alan Joyce might be gone...
  • Cost of Living (1 speech)
    On 1 July 2024, 71,000 people, or 89 per cent of taxpayers in Werriwa, will be better off under the tax cuts legislated by the Albanese government. Thirteen point six million Australian taxpayers...
  • Wild Dogs (1 speech)
    I want to raise my controls with the Victorian government's decision to end wild dog control measures on public land in Victoria's north-west. I've already been contacted by people in my...
  • Cost of Living (1 speech)
    My electorate of Boothby has saved over $2¼ million in reduced prescription co-payments since 1 January 2023. That's over 180,000 prescriptions on the reduced co-payment. But...
  • Coppin, Mr Langtree Eric Christopher (Lang), OAM (1 speech)
    Today I would like to pay tribute to Lang Coppin for his 46-year-long service as a councillor on the Council of the Shire of East Pilbara, and I'd like to acknowledge the shire representatives...
  • Fuel (1 speech)
    Everyone knows there's a lot of pressure on people's finances right now, but some businesses in my electorate are adding to this pressure. And it's a disgrace. In Singleton, fuel companies are...
  • Labor Government (1 speech)
    The tactics are obvious. Labor members have been sent in here to talk about the cost of living and to say, 'Keep more of what you earn'—it's all in the talking points. But it's so untrue....
  • Higher Education Loan Program (1 speech)
    Uni should deliver optimism rather than fear for young people over their financials. That's why we will be considering all 47 recommendations from the 12-month review of the universities that we...
  • COVID-19: Vaccination (1 speech)
    Last week a 52-year-old woman from my electorate called me in great distress. Her name is Verity. Previously fit and healthy, Verity told me about the horrific pain and suffering she endured...
  • Housing Affordability (1 speech)
    For the first time in a long time I tuned in to Q&A this week to listen to an important discussion on housing. In and amongst some honourable contributions by the New South Wales housing...
  • Flinders Electorate: Somerville Family Dental Care (1 speech)
    As we head off tonight to rejoin our communities for hot cross buns and Easter eggs this weekend, I stand up to give a pre-emptive shout-out to my local dentists at Somerville Family Dental Care....
  • Economy (4 speeches)
    I was very pleasantly surprised to see the newly minted—or perhaps recast—Senator Sharma make some insightful economic reflections in his first speech to the Senate last week. Senator...