House debates

Wednesday, 27 March 2024

Questions without Notice

Australian Football League

2:12 pm

Photo of Andrew WilkieAndrew Wilkie (Clark, Independent) Share this | | Hansard source

My question is to the Prime Minister. Minister. Why has your government twice prevented me from tabling these documents, which contain evidence of appalling misconduct by AFL executives and some team staff? Why are you trying to keep them a secret—or can I walk down and give them to you personally right now?

Photo of Anthony AlbaneseAnthony Albanese (Grayndler, Australian Labor Party, Prime Minister) Share this | | Hansard source

I thank the member for Clark for his question. I note that walking around the chamber is disorderly, but I do note that the member for Clark has always had access to me, as other members of parliament do. There isn't a member here, including over there, up there or behind me, who has asked to see me or made a phone call and has not had a call returned—not one. That's the way that I deal with parliamentarians, and I deal with senators the same—with respect.

In general, we have an approach that, when documents are requested to be tabled, if people want that, the normal process would be to ask, as when I was a member of the opposition and wanted something to be tabled. If I was serious about getting it tabled, I would ask, show it to the person at the dispatch box and receive that. I am aware that the member for Clark has made allegations. I am not aware of whether those allegations are correct or not. I have a big job; on that job description isn't the control of the Australian Football League. But, if issues are raised, Sport Integrity Australia are aware of the issue and they have begun their assessment, and I'm sure that the member for Clark will forward any documentation to the appropriate body.