House debates

Wednesday, 15 May 2024

Constituency Statements

Cyclone Debbie

9:47 am

Photo of Andrew WillcoxAndrew Willcox (Dawson, Liberal National Party) Share this | | Hansard source

I rise today to highlight a fantastic event that just happened in my electorate of Dawson. With swords drawn, with bayonets fixed, with drums beating, with the band playing and with banners flying high, 150 soldiers from the 3rd Combat Engineer Regiment, under the command of Lieutenant Colonel Nicholas Trotter, marched down the main street of Airlie Beach to exercise their right of entry to the Whitsundays. They were challenged by the police officer in charge, Simon Wiley, who checked the warrant and allowed entry. They marched on past Brigadier David McCammon, who took their salute; marched on further; conducted a parade; and then dispersed throughout the community. We then listened to a fantastic address by Mayor Ry Collins from the Whitsunday Regional Council and spent time with the troops.

On 28 March 2017, Tropical Cyclone Debbie made landfall just north of Airlie Beach. It was a high category 4, with gusts reaching high category 5. It was Queensland's most costly cyclone, and, because it was so slow moving, it was ever so devastating. The emergency service personnel, the SES and the council did an amazing job; a fantastic job. However, there was so much damage that we needed more help. So, 48 hours later, Brigadier Chris Field and Lieutenant Colonel Jen Harris arrived with the 3rd Combat Engineer Regiment—fantastic support. The office helped us with logistics, and the troops started cutting their way into things. We had no water, no power, no sewerage and very little in the way of communications. The 3rd Combat Engineer Regiment moved debris and cut down trees so we could get in and fix those valuable assets.

Such was the job they did that my council—I was the mayor of the Whitsundays at the time—supported by the whole community, ordered that the 3rd Combat Engineer Regiment could have the freedom of the city, freedom of the Whitsundays. They were granted that on 10 November 2017 and they exercised that right just recently. It was an amazing event.

To all the people from the 3rd Combat Engineer Regiment: thank you so much from the bottom of my heart and from all the communities of the Whitsundays. You're always welcome. We salute you.