House debates

Wednesday, 15 May 2024

Constituency Statements


9:57 am

Photo of Andrew GilesAndrew Giles (Scullin, Australian Labor Party, Minister for Immigration, Citizenship and Multicultural Affairs) Share this | | Hansard source

The Albanese Labor government is deeply committed to supporting families in Melbourne's northern suburbs. We've been listening and we are acting, making a difference today and working to secure a fairer, more prosperous future, including through the Schools Upgrade Fund, which has been delivering $48 million in vital infrastructure projects to Victorian public schools, like Findon Primary School in Mill Park. I was so thrilled to announce over $400,000 to upgrade toilet facilities at Findon, having met often with school leaders who have been diligently advocating for this change for some time, including writing very persuasive letters to their principal, Anita, to the state member and to myself. I want to thank them, those students past and current, for all of their efforts and say how proud I am of the leadership they have already demonstrated.

I've also had the chance in recent days to visit Norris Bank Primary School in Bundoora, where they've received more than $900,000 to upgrade playground equipment, surfaces and shade sails. I look forward, later on, to visiting Merriang Special Developmental School to announce a significant investment there, again of nearly a million dollars. This school is doing great things to support people with disability in our community. We recognise that we need not only a first-class education system in terms of outcomes but also one that's equitable in every respect so that all young people get the best opportunities in life. With that in mind, I was so pleased in last night's budget to see the investment in our early educators and carers, who play such a fundamental and foundational role.

This was part of a budget that the Treasurer released which really is for all Australians, with a clear focus on helping everyone with managing the cost of living, such as through increasing the maximum rate of Commonwealth rent assistant, which will mean over 6,000 households in the Scullin electorate will benefit. These cost-of-living measures are carefully designed and calibrated so that we are taking the pressure off families while also reducing inflation, as with the $3.5 billion in energy bill relief for all Australian households. The people in Scullin will be receiving a rebate of $300. By tackling the cost of living, we are also tackling headline inflation. This is, again, a budget that will see people through difficult times, staring down the challenges and ensuring we seize the opportunities of the future.

Again, this is a government that's committed to helping every Australian with the pressures of the cost of living. Our tax cuts will mean that every worker in the northern suburbs will have more money in their pocket come tax time. In the Scullin electorate, nine in 10 people will be better off under these tax cuts, compared to those proposed by the Liberals. This is a critical part of an economic plan for Australia and for every Australian, particularly those in Melbourne's north.

Photo of Andrew WilkieAndrew Wilkie (Clark, Independent) Share this | | Hansard source

I thank the minister. In accordance with standing order 193, the time for members' constituency statements has concluded.