House debates

Wednesday, 15 May 2024

Statements by Members

Aged Care

1:39 pm

Photo of Dai LeDai Le (Fowler, Independent) Share this | | Hansard source

More than 20 per cent of my constituents aged 60 and over rely on aged-care services. It's a sector full of challenges, systematic and human resources, despite continuous reforms. I hosted an aged-care forum at Fairfield City HQ last week to understand the sector's challenges—the lack of resources, the lack of staff, the shrinking operational budget and the bureaucratic burden—that hamper quality care in this sector. Overcompliance placed on big providers is affecting small providers doing the right thing. Nurses face physical and mental challenges in the workplace.

Last night's budget put forward $65.6 million over four years from 2024-25 to attract and retain aged-care workers. Whilst I welcome the news, how will the fund be utilised? Who will get a share? And what about an aged-care pay rise? For my community in Fowler, which is very culturally diverse, it's critical that aged-care services are culturally adept and able to cater to the needs of an ageing population from a CALD background.

The silver lining of the forum is that, despite the red tape and the structural challenges in the system, the people working in it—the nurses and the small providers—are so passionate and committed to ensuring that the needs of our seniors in aged care are at the forefront of their work. The government must provide support and investment to alleviate the constraints faced by the sector and make aged care a rewarding space to be in.