House debates

Thursday, 16 May 2024

Statements by Members


1:40 pm

Photo of Daniel MulinoDaniel Mulino (Fraser, Australian Labor Party) Share this | | Hansard source

To the people of Australia and to the people of my electorate of Fraser, we have listened. This week the Treasurer delivered a budget that addresses the government's main priority, which is to provide cost-of-living relief to all Australians. It's not just a budget for the big end of town as those opposite would've suggested. The Albanese government's third budget, building on the previous two, delivers cost-of-living relief in a way that does not add to inflationary pressures, through responsible and sustainable economic management.

This is, of course, underpinned principally by our changes to the tax cuts. The 78,000 taxpayers in my electorate will all get a tax cut, and 87 per cent of my electorate will be getting a bigger tax cut than they would've under the opposition's plan. Some people who would've received nothing will now get over $800 a year. This is supplemented by a $300 energy rebate to every single energy account, which will make a huge difference to the people in my electorate of Fraser, who really need assistance at this difficult time.

Finally, I'd like to mention the recalculation of HECS debt. Instead of being based solely on CPI, it'll be calculated based on the wage price index or CPI, whichever is lower. An enormous 25,000-plus people in Fraser will benefit from this fairer system.

It has only been possible to provide this cost-of-living relief, without adding to inflationary pressure, through this government's responsible economic management. This is in stark contrast to the plan offered by those opposite, which left far too many people behind.