House debates

Tuesday, 28 May 2024

  • Renewable Energy (1 speech)
    Ausgrid and other New South Wales energy service providers will introduce new rooftop solar feed-in tariffs that will charge solar panel owners per kilowatt for exporting power to the grid during...
  • Foster, Mr Tony, AM, Mies, Mr Peter, Lyons Electorate: National Volunteer Week (1 speech)
    Tasmania's longest-serving local government mayor, Brighton Council's Tony Foster, died peacefully at the age of 81 yesterday, 27 May, after a short illness. Tony served on the council for 35...
  • Longman Electorate: Infrastructure (1 speech)
    I would like to raise the issue of what can only be described as flagrant pork-barrelling by the current Labor government. As one of the fastest-growing areas of new dwellings in Australia, the...
  • Cybersecurity (1 speech)
    If I was giving this speech 20 years ago, the focus would be on warning Australians, especially older people, against falling prey to door-to-door salespeople pushing a scam or products they...
  • Budget (1 speech)
    The budget went over like a lead balloon. The budget left the entire nation feeling like they were stuck in the middle of the ocean without a life raft, barely keeping their heads above water....
  • National Reconciliation Week (1 speech)
    'Now more than ever'—that is the theme for National Reconciliation Week. It's a reminder that, despite setbacks and disappointments, we must stand together with Aboriginal and Torres Strait...