House debates

Tuesday, 28 May 2024

  • Cost of Living (3 speeches)
    Deputy Speaker, I wonder if I could maybe start again given the unusual interruption of the speech.
  • Budget (2 speeches)
    The Albanese government knows that many families in Australia are doing it tough and that cost of living is front and centre in their minds. During the Dunkley by-election campaign, I heard from...
  • Green Energy Transition (1 speech)
    I've been happy to see the steadfast commitment of the government to our future prosperity in the transition to a green economy. The budget delivered by the Treasurer just a fortnight ago was a...
  • Gippsland Lakes (1 speech)
    It is with great pleasure that I rise tonight to contribute to this debate and focus my attention on the magnificent Gippsland Lakes. Although they are magnificent, they are also exposed to many...
  • Climate Change (2 speeches)
    For too long, Australia has been caught in climate wars, hampered by a decade of negligence, political infighting and lack of genuine climate action. Over the last decade, the Liberals and...