House debates

Tuesday, 28 May 2024

Statements by Members

Heard, Mr Colin

1:38 pm

Photo of Luke GoslingLuke Gosling (Solomon, Australian Labor Party) Share this | | Hansard source

I rise to pay tribute to one of my distinguished constituents, Mr Colin Heard, and congratulate him on his 100th birthday. Originally from the south, Colin was selected by the Air Force to fly P-40 Kittyhawks at age 19 in World War II. He flew with the 78 Squadron in 1943 and 1944 during its operations in New Guinea and the Dutch East Indies. Their fighters were transported by sea, were then made operational and then attacked Japanese ships and assisted American forces in the capture of Japanese bases on the island of New Britain. Colin survived the loss of his aircraft when his aircraft engine caught fire after a strafing run. It took only 10 seconds to sink. Fortunately, he got off and jumped into the ocean and was picked up by a US patrol boat. Colin has a magnificent war service record. It shows that he was involved in 23 daytime operational sorties involving strikes and attacks and 61 other operations which were mostly fighter-escort operations. Colin's postwar life was very successful as well in terms of both his family and his businesses.

Colin, you are a remarkable Territorian. This whole parliament is incredibly proud of your service. I hope you have a wonderful birthday.