House debates

Tuesday, 28 May 2024

Questions without Notice

Immigration Detention

2:11 pm

Photo of Sussan LeySussan Ley (Farrer, Liberal Party, Shadow Minister for Women) Share this | | Hansard source

My question is to the Minister for Immigration, Citizenship and Multicultural Affairs. The visa of a Sudanese national, Emmanuel Saki, was cancelled after he was convicted of serious domestic violence offences and threats to kill with a knife. He's now been charged with the stabbing murder of 22-year-old Bosco Minyurano in Brisbane. The Albanese Labor government's watering down of the law has allowed this criminal to stay in Australia, making our country less safe. When will the Albanese government apologise for this catastrophic mistake and reverse direction 99?

2:12 pm

Photo of Andrew GilesAndrew Giles (Scullin, Australian Labor Party, Minister for Immigration, Citizenship and Multicultural Affairs) Share this | | Hansard source

I thank the Deputy Leader of the Opposition for her question. I say again that, of course, my thoughts and, I'm sure, all our thoughts are with the victim's family. I'll also say that the person in question is now in custody, with a police investigation underway. Again, this was a visa that was cancelled and remained cancelled under ministerial direction 99. It was a decision of the AAT, an independent tribunal, to overturn the cancellation of the visa. I remind the House that the direction places a significant emphasis on serious offending and family violence. These need to be considered in all matters by the tribunal. I also want to inform the House that I have cancelled the individual's visa. As this matter is before the courts, I'll say nothing further about this matter.