House debates

Wednesday, 29 May 2024

  • Cost of Living (1 speech)
    Almost every single day, hardworking Australians speak to me about the cost of living, and they have multiple concerns. For some, it's the very high cost of their mortgages, and their struggles...
  • Diabetes (1 speech)
    Within my electorate of Tangney, 610 people have type 1 diabetes and a further 6,000 people are directly affected by the condition. Recently, a young boy named Nik shared his experience of type 1...
  • Budget (1 speech)
    When the Albanese government was elected two years ago, it was on the promise that no-one would be left behind. Time and again, the now Prime Minister promised that his would be a government that...
  • Bennelong Electorate: Parliamentary Education (2 speeches)
    During the school holidays I had the pleasure of hosting my first mock parliament school holiday activity. Over two sessions, we welcomed 70 enthusiastic years 4, 5 and 6 students from across...
  • Moncrieff Electorate: Youth (1 speech)
    One of the great privileges of serving in this place is meeting with and visiting so many incredible organisations that support Australians across the country. I'm sure members from both sides...
  • Budget: Education (1 speech)
    With all the good things going on in so many areas, it's easy to miss the fact that the recent budget handed down by the Treasurer was very much also an education budget, and that's certainly...