House debates

Wednesday, 29 May 2024

Statements by Members

Radio Italia Uno

1:34 pm

Photo of Tony ZappiaTony Zappia (Makin, Australian Labor Party) Share this | | Hansard source

Last Saturday evening, South Australian community radio broadcaster Radio Italia Uno 87.6 FM celebrated its 10th anniversary with a gala dinner event held at the McLachlan Room at Adelaide Oval which was MCed by Channel 7 presenter Rosanna Mangiarelli.

For the past decade the station has been providing an invaluable service, particularly to Adelaide's Italian-Australian community, with regular Australian and overseas news broadcasts; community and government information; music for all ages and genres; expert advice on day-to-day matters from a range of regular professional presenters; direct broadcasts from community events and church services ensuring that those people who cannot attend, particularly the elderly who may be confined to their homes, do not miss out; and so much more. The station relies heavily on sponsorships and is dependent on dedicated volunteers under the leadership of Board President Dino Musolino and Station Manager Mark Aiston.

On the night, founding members and station stalwarts Cosimo Cutri and Giovanni Di Malta were awarded well-deserved life memberships. My congratulations to Radio Italia Uno for 10 years of service and my thanks to all involved since the station's inception for their commitment and contribution to community radio and cultural diversity in South Australia.