House debates

Wednesday, 29 May 2024

Statements by Members


1:49 pm

Photo of Sam RaeSam Rae (Hawke, Australian Labor Party) Share this | | Hansard source

I am looking forward to the end of the financial year. I don't always look forward to the end of the financial year; I'm not that financially competent at the best of times in my own personal finances. But this year I am looking forward to the end of the financial year because, let me tell you, on 30 June every Australian taxpayer is going to go to bed, go to sleep and wake up, wherever they are, with the figurative white snow of the figurative Christmas in July falling, and under their figurative Christmas tree, figuratively wrapped for them, is going to be a tax cut. Every Australian is going to get a tax cut on 1 July. That's 13.6 million Australians who are going to wake up on the first day of the next financial year with a tax cut wrapped for them and sent with love from the Albanese Labor government. In my electorate, that's 73,000 people who are going to wake up on 1 July with a beautifully figuratively wrapped figurative tax cut for them under their figurative Christmas tree. In the average household, with two workers, that's going to be worth 2,856 bucks a year. That is serious money. That is a serious saving for any family.

We know very well that the Leader of the Opposition has been busy with his own version of cuts. He's cut a few people on the other side there. I see the widely respected member for Moore. I understand he's been cut, and I'm sorry for that. We are focused on tax cuts for working Australians. We're focused on cutting the cost of living; the Leader of the Opposition is only focused on cutting his Liberal Party enemies.