House debates

Thursday, 30 May 2024

Constituency Statements


10:03 am

Photo of Matt KeoghMatt Keogh (Burt, Australian Labor Party, Minister for Veterans’ Affairs) Share this | | Hansard source

When it comes to the cost of living, our community is feeling the pinch. That's why easing cost-of-living pressures are the Albanese government's key priority. This budget delivers a tax cut for every taxpayer. That's 82,000 people in our community. Thanks to both the WA and federal Labor governments, every household will receive a $700 energy rebate.

We're making sure that more money will stay in your pocket too with our investments in health. I'm conscious that, for many in our community, finding an after-hours GP on the weekend or at night is not only limited but often expensive. As a result, our local emergency clinic at the Armadale-Kelmscott Memorial Hospital is very busy. Forty per cent of cases that go through that emergency department could be better treated at an urgent care clinic, taking pressure off the emergency department. That's why I'm so pleased that the Albanese Labor government is funding a new walk-in Medicare urgent care clinic that is completely bulk-billed with extended hours in Armadale. We're also funding a bulk-billed MRI service at Armadale-Kelmscott Memorial Hospital that will be up and running for all MRI scans in July 2025.

We're freezing the maximum cost of PBS prescriptions so no-one will pay more than $31.60 or $7.70 for those on a concession card. This is a significant investment in the health of people in the south-eastern suburbs of Perth. By the end of the year, we'll also see expanded mental health services in both Armadale and Gosnells, as Medicare mental health services will be rolled out to replace the existing Head to Health centres so that we have more specialist support available. And we're not just meeting the needs right in front of us today; we're laying the foundations to deliver a future made in WA in this federal budget. We're backing in Aussie innovation because making things here means more secure, well-paid jobs across our community.

Speaking of well-paid jobs, we're also upping the wages for aged-care workers and early childhood educators, and further expanding fee-free TAFE. So many people in our community are working as teachers, nurses, midwives and social workers, and I'm sure you'll all remember the challenge that was paying the bills whilst doing your prac placement. As the son and brother of social workers and teachers, I know this very well. That's why I'm so glad to share that the Albanese government will pay you to do your prac placements to make qualifications in these vital industries so much more accessible.

This is a budget for all Australians, and we're recognising other cost-of-living pressures too by increasing rent assistance by 10 per cent in this budget. That's an increase of 42 per cent since we were elected. We're doing what we can to ease cost-of-living pressures for you now and in the future.