House debates

Thursday, 30 May 2024

Statements by Members

Patch, Mr Luke

1:33 pm

Photo of Kevin HoganKevin Hogan (Page, National Party, Shadow Minister for Trade and Tourism) Share this | | Hansard source

I'd like to acknowledge and thank Luke Patch from my community, who recently cycled across Australia from Fremantle to Sydney, raising money for motor neurone disease research. Taking part in the Indian Pacific Wheel Race, Luke cycled close to 6,000 kilometres over 22 days. It placed him in third place out of 36 participants—an incredible effort. His desire to raise money for MND came about after noticing significant muscle loss in his hands, worrying his doctors that he may be experiencing early signs of MND. Luckily for Luke this was not the case and he has since recovered. However it was during that time that he learnt that there was no cure for MND, which sparked a passion in him to raise funding for more research to help work toward a cure. Luke said he pushed himself harder than he thought was possible, often riding with just three to four hours of sleep. Sadly, on his second-last day of racing, Luke found out that his father had passed away. This was a difficult time, but, through his endurance and dedication, he finished the journey. Luke's already planning his next ride, the Race Across America, a cycling race from the west coast to the east coast of America, and I wish him very well. Again, Luke, thank you very much for the effort you made and where you finished and the funds that you raised for motor neurone disease research.