House debates

Monday, 3 June 2024

  • Renewable Energy (5 speeches)
    I strongly support this motion moved by the member for Curtin calling on the government to commit to an urgent, comprehensive and well-funded plan to increase our international competitiveness in...
  • Medicare (11 speeches)
    I move: That this House: (1) notes the Government is continuing to improve our health system by: (a) strengthening Medicare by: (i) growing the number of Medicare Urgent Care Clinics to 87; (ii)...
  • International Relations: Azerbaijan and Armenia (6 speeches)
    I move the motion relating to the blockade of Artsakh in the terms in which it appears on the Notice Paper: That this House: (1) notes that following a ten-month blockade of Artsakh...
  • Tertiary Education (8 speeches)
    I move: That this House: (1) recognises that the Government is putting in place significant reforms in response to the Australian Universities Accord to provide cost of living relief and to make...
  • Home Ownership (16 speeches)
    I move: That this House: (1) recognises the importance of home ownership to Australian families and that home ownership remains the Australian dream; (2) notes: (a) the increasing financial...