House debates

Monday, 3 June 2024

Statements by Members

Bendigo Electorate: Telecommunications

1:46 pm

Photo of Lisa ChestersLisa Chesters (Bendigo, Australian Labor Party) Share this | | Hansard source

The small hamlet of Metcalfe, in my electorate, spoke to me recently about challenges they've got with mobile phone coverage. Unfortunately this is not the first time we've had such a meeting; we've met several times over the years, and they struggled under the previous government to get any attention on their issues. In this meeting they shared a petition they had gathered from local constituents. I'm sharing their experiences of telecommunications.

Metcalfe is part of this beautiful area we have in central Victoria, but unfortunately its geography is challenging. It's at the end of a few mobile phone towers, so, therefore, people struggle with connectivity. In emergency situations people are left stranded. Metcalfe and the surrounding areas are home to sheep and beef farming communities. The shire town hall is the designated emergency meeting spot for flood and fire, yet it doesn't have decent connectivity; there's no mobile phone coverage.

Despite the 53 individual case studies I've had, we couldn't get traction from the previous government. That is why they welcome, like I welcome, this government's plan—the Better Connectivity Plan for Regional and Rural Australia. We are particularly looking forward to the findings of the independent audit into mobile coverage and better identification of blackspots and guides of investment priorities. They hope that will help finally deliver them the coverage they need.