House debates

Wednesday, 5 June 2024

Statements by Members

Keeping Cash Transactions in Australia Bill 2024

1:39 pm

Photo of Andrew GeeAndrew Gee (Calare, Independent) Share this | | Hansard source

Australians should have the freedom to choose how they will pay for what they buy with their hard earned dollars. It's not a choice that should be made for them by big banks or financial institutions. That's why this week I introduced the Keeping Cash Transactions in Australia Bill 2024. The bill would preserve the use of the prawn, blue swimmer, lobster, pineapple and Granny Smith in our national economy, legislating that businesses must accept cash payments for transactions not exceeding $10,000. Shockingly, there is currently no legal requirement for notes or coins to be accepted for transactions in Australia. If a business gives you notice that it won't accept cash, it doesn't have to.

For many people in my electorate of Calare, and across this great country, cash is still king. A lot of folk, including senior Australians, find managing accounts and cards online to be stressful and confusing. Cash is often used in rural areas by people who don't have ready access to banking services or reliable internet access. Cash transactions are unaffected by digital failures, making them vital during outages or disasters—not to mention that using cards often means facing additional fees and charges, giving up your privacy and dealing with the risk of fraud.

My bill would save meat raffles at the pub, it would save two-up on Anzac Day and it would keep the tooth fairy in a job! Moreover, if— (Time expired)