House debates

Wednesday, 5 June 2024

Statements by Members


1:49 pm

Photo of Mike FreelanderMike Freelander (Macarthur, Australian Labor Party) Share this | | Hansard source

I'm used to seeing and treating a broad array of illnesses that harm our community. Most can be managed by treatment and prevention. However, there's a major disease that's ravaging our country, and it is causing mental, emotional and financial harm to young people and families. This disease is gambling addiction. This disease targets all and does not discriminate, with tragic consequences. Its victims, who are often young men, are lured to commit their finances and time in pursuit of an unattainable and unrealistic treasure.

This morning, the member for Mayo and the member for Clark hosted an important and highly emotional briefing regarding the need for urgent reform to Australia's gambling industry. We heard from Ellie and her father, Dave, who spoke about losing their brother and son who tragically took his own life following the stress and pressure of his gambling addiction. They spoke of how, prior to taking his life, he tried so hard to disconnect from this torturous industry, but the gambling accounts didn't help him. They targeted him even more with more advertising and promotion. This is disgraceful.

In my electorate of Macarthur, in the six months to December 2023, a profit of over $67 million from poker machines was given to these industries. This doesn't take into consideration the online gambling platforms and what they are doing. This is disgraceful and has to stop.