House debates

Thursday, 6 June 2024

Questions without Notice

Albanese Government

3:21 pm

Jodie Belyea (Dunkley, Australian Labor Party) Share this | | Hansard source

My question is to the Prime Minister. When parliament returns in two weeks, which of the Albanese Labor government's plans will be coming into effect, and are there any alternatives being proposed?

3:22 pm

Photo of Anthony AlbaneseAnthony Albanese (Grayndler, Australian Labor Party, Prime Minister) Share this | | Hansard source

I thank the member for Dunkley for her question. Indeed, when we depart from this place this afternoon there will be a couple of weeks and then we'll be back, and then it will be almost July—almost at that point when every single taxpayer will get a tax cut on 1 July, almost at that point where every household will get $300 of energy price relief. Our budget will deliver that cost-of-living support Australians need. It will also be the case, importantly, that there will be a third consecutive boost in the minimum wage for 2.6 million low-wage workers. Australians, from 1 July, will earn more and they will get to keep more of what they earn, and that will be important. It will happen whether they live in Anglesea or Gippsland or around Jervis Bay or Newcastle or Gladstone or Collie or perhaps even Bribie Island. All those, of course, are potential locations for the nuclear reactionaries over there.

So they know they'll get a tax cut, they know they'll get household energy relief, they know they'll get a wage increase—but will they get a reactor with it? Twelve weeks ago this Leader of the Opposition said it would come in two weeks, so maybe if we just forget about that period in between—we'll just wipe that off! We need to see the colour of this Leader of the Opposition's money. The same people who couldn't build a commuter car park, who thought the NBN should be built with copper rather than fibre, want us to believe they're going to build nuclear reactors here in Australia. Where are they going to go, who's going to pay for them, what's the cost, what's the timeframe and what will they do in between the 15 years at least it will take to ensure our energy security?

Those opposite are always obsessed with power, but they're hopeless on energy! Hopeless on energy, obsessed by power. They have the next two weeks. We'll await, day after day after day, an answer from this Leader of the Opposition.

On that prospective note, I ask that further questions be placed on the Notice Paper.