House debates

Thursday, 6 June 2024

  • Aircraft Noise (1 speech)
    In the last year I've been inundated with messages from people right across my community who are at their wits' end with the volume of air traffic over their homes in the densely populated...
  • Lake Macquarie Mines Grouting Fund, Telecommunications (1 speech)
    It's with pleasure that I provide an update to the House on some exciting progress on one of the biggest commitments I took to the 2022 election: the $10 million for the establishment of a mines...
  • Transport Oriented Development Program (1 speech)
    An issue of significant concern to many of my constituents in Bradfield is the New South Wales Labor government's proposed changes to planning rules, which would adversely impact my electorate,...
  • Khalsa Shaouni, Hawke Electorate: Volunteers, Hawke Electorate: Small Business (1 speech)
    A few weeks ago it was my pleasure to welcome the Prime Minister to Hawke, where we joined members of our Sikh community to celebrate the opening of the newly renovated Plumpton temple. For many...
  • Forrest Electorate: Community Services (1 speech)
    In the Prime Minister's election night speech, he spoke about how the government looking out for all Australians and would ensure that no-one is left behind because 'we would always look after...
  • Edith Cowan University Health Centre (1 speech)
    I'm very happy to be on my feet today to advise that the Edith Cowan University Health Centre in Yanchep is due to officially open soon. This new project is jointly funded by Edith Cowan...
  • Animal Welfare (1 speech)
    It is incongruous that we have in Canberra a government so quick to ban the live sheep export trade yet sanction, through its New South Wales counterpart, the cruel slaughter of beautiful...
  • Greenway Electorate: Infrastructure (1 speech)
    North-west Sydney is dynamic, diverse and fast-growing, and Labor is delivering the critical investments in infrastructure, transport and essential amenities, including communications, to ensure...
  • Lindsay Electorate: Infrastructure (1 speech)
    Last week, as a shadow minister for Western Sydney, I spoke at the National Growth Areas Alliance conference which gathered in my electorate of Lindsay. We had mayors and council representatives...
  • Cost of Living, Wages (2 speeches)
    I rise today to talk about the people in my community—people that I have been visiting at sporting events across the last few weeks. I've been to the Werribee Football Club. I've been to...