House debates

Thursday, 6 June 2024

Statements by Members

Nuclear Energy

1:31 pm

Photo of Anne StanleyAnne Stanley (Werriwa, Australian Labor Party) Share this | | Hansard source

The facts cannot be any clearer, yet those opposite insist that nuclear generation is the future of Australia's energy grid despite never mentioning it in their 10 years in government. After 22 failed energy policies they want us to believe that nuclear is the answer and that this is a credible position.

The most recent report by the CSIRO concluded that nuclear power cannot be delivered before 2040. Combine that with the fact that 90 per cent of Australia's coal power will close by 2035, and it is clear those opposite would see Australians sitting in the dark for five years before nuclear is connected to the grid. What might it deliver? Higher bills for Australian households and businesses. Both the CSIRO and AEMO have concluded that nuclear energy is the most expensive form of energy, costing up to eight times more than firmed renewables.

Those opposite mentioned nuclear 674 days ago and have failed to announce any detail since. They've refused to detail in whose backyard these nuclear plants will go. Unlike those opposite, this government is getting on with delivering cheaper and cleaner renewable energy for Australians. Unlike those opposite, the Albanese government has a plan to fix the mess that was left behind in our energy system.