House debates

Thursday, 6 June 2024

Statements by Members


1:42 pm

Photo of Keith WolahanKeith Wolahan (Menzies, Liberal Party) Share this | | Hansard source

Every now and then something comes along that speaks not only about us but to us, and Bluey is one of them. We have seen on many occasions the Prime Minster hold up his lucky dollar, and it's been ruled in order. I'd like to hold up three dollarbucks, which the Australian Mint have announced, with Bluey, the Heelers and the grannies. Bluey is about so many things, but it's about us and it's about family. We're so proud of it being exported around the world. For those of you who'd like to get your own dollarbucks, the Australian Mint is selling them in 41 outlets. If you go onto their website,, it shows where they are, including eight locations in Victoria.

We all know our favourite Bluey episodes, from 'Cricket' to 'Baby race', 'Camping' and 'Grannies'. But for me it's 'Sleepytime'. For many of us in this building and for those who work away from family, you know what it's like to not be with your children quite regularly. I like this quote said to Bingo: 'Remember, I'll always be here for you, even if you can't see me, because I love you.' In that, Bluey captured something we all know well—that night-time is important for children and families, and, in those moments when we're not together, we're still there and we still love them. And we love you, Bluey.