House debates

Thursday, 6 June 2024

Statements by Members

Nuclear Energy

1:52 pm

Photo of Matt BurnellMatt Burnell (Spence, Australian Labor Party) Share this | | Hansard source

If this round of media backgrounding can be believed, we are only days away from the Leader of the Opposition announcing his big policy glow-up on nuclear energy. We've heard this one before, 674 days ago, and we have heard nothing but excuses as to why the dog ate their homework and all of the details. We thought that they would release it around the time of the budget, but they left us in the dark yet again. A policy matching its subject perfectly—something that will cost more and take significantly longer to deliver than what they promised at the start. It's just like Malcolm Turnbull's NBN, 'It will be faster, cheaper and more affordable.' We've heard that one before, right?

But good news, everyone. The vault door is finally going to come off and we can finally behold it in all of its splendour—the big power trip. More accurately, a power fumble from those opposite. You really must wonder why it has taken so long to release a policy. It isn't as if they have scientists working on it. They're all woke because they resoundingly give nuclear power in Australia a big fail, along with the attempts of those opposite to make it happen. Sunlight can be the biggest disinfectant and also a great form of renewable energy. In this case, I hope it illuminates us all regarding how far they are willing to go to avoid a renewable energy future for Australia.

Just lastly, regarding the proposal around the Barossa Valley. Seriously, the member for Barker came in here the other day worrying about the wine export market. How the hell do we sell glow-in-the-dark wine products? What a joke.