House debates

Monday, 24 June 2024

Constituency Statements

Phillis, Mrs Christina Lillian

10:33 am

Photo of Marion ScrymgourMarion Scrymgour (Lingiari, Australian Labor Party) Share this | | Hansard source

I would like to mark the passing earlier this year of a true Labor hero in my electorate, Christina Lillian Phillis. Christina died peacefully in Alice Springs. From a very young age, politics and religion guided Christina and became the foundation stone of her deep faith and unbending commitment to achieving justice for all people. After moving to Whyalla in 1976 with her husband, a railway station master; and four growing boys, Christina became an advocate for a change in child care and practical support for single-mother families. She was elected to the Whyalla City Council on a childcare platform, and in 1982 ran as a Labor candidate for the South Australian state election. While she did not win the seat, newly elected Premier John Bannon thanked her personally for her mettle and integrity in an extremely tough campaign.

In 1983, Christina moved her family to Alice Springs. This was her second time in Alice Springs, and it didn't take long to become an integral member of the Labor branch in the Northern Territory, campaigning on behalf of candidates in both the Northern Territory and federal elections. During her time in Alice Springs, she travelled throughout the Red Centre, first as an educator and then, later, as a Centrelink officer.

Christina valued her time with Aboriginal people from remote communities and saw education as vital for self-determination, development and independence. Throughout her life, Christina was a staunch social justice advocate and a true visionary for the Labor cause. Warren Snowdon, the former member for Lingiari, put it succinctly when he said, 'Christina was a friend to many and in every sense a true believer.' She was a vocal conference delegate and an active participant in debate, political activities and so much more. As Warren noted, Christina's wonderful legacy will be fondly remembered by many of us.

I want to leave the House with the following Bible passage from 2 Timothy 4:7, which so beautifully captures the life of Christina Lillian Phillis:

I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.

Vale, Christina.