House debates

Monday, 24 June 2024

Statements by Members

AEIOU Foundation

4:06 pm

Photo of Bob KatterBob Katter (Kennedy, Katter's Australian Party) Share this | | Hansard source

I've told the tale to parliament of two little boys that were born profoundly dyslexic, if that's the right word. They were like a puffed pillow statue. If you punched them, there was no reaction. If you talked to them, there was no reaction. These two little boys showed no form of life. They were born profoundly disabled. They were put under an institution called AEIOU. They are both in school. One of them is competitively in school. They are both quite exceptionally good at mathematics. When I come into the room now, he attacks me. He thinks he's Wally Lewis or something. I bash him, and we wrestle on the floor and scream abuse at each other. That is the accomplishment of AEIOU.

The minister, quite innocently, is rearranging the funding, and he thinks he's doing the right thing. I think he will do untold damage to the AEIOU. I don't think there is an organisation in this country that could show greater effective outcomes than the AEIOU, but it's in serious danger if the legislation goes through as is. My advice is that the Senate is going to stop it. That's one of the major issues with that legislation. (Time expired)