House debates

Monday, 24 June 2024

Statements by Members

Perth Hindu Temple

4:11 pm

Photo of Sam LimSam Lim (Tangney, Australian Labor Party) Share this | | Hansard source

On 25 May, together with the member for Burt I attended the Perth Hindu Temple sod-turning ceremony. It symbolised not just the start of the construction but also our shared commitment to serving the needs of our diverse community. With the support of the Albanese Labor government, we proudly announced the commencement of work on a new educational and cultural building. This $2.8 million project is more than just infrastructure. It is a testament to our commitment to fostering diversity and nurturing cultural heritage.

To the Hindu community I extend my deepest gratitude for your tireless efforts in establishing and growing this temple to serve the community. Your resilience, values and tradition enrich our collective identity, making Tangney a vibrant and inclusive place to live. This milestone would not be possible without the leadership of past president Brother Muthu and the current president, Brother Ben Naidu, and the selfless contribution of all the volunteers. Through initiatives like this in the Investing in our Communities Program, we empower locals to thrive, creating a brighter future for all.