House debates

Monday, 24 June 2024

Statements by Members

Melbourne Symphony Orchestra

4:42 pm

Photo of Zoe McKenzieZoe McKenzie (Flinders, Liberal Party) Share this | | Hansard source

I rise to talk about the extraordinary opportunity given to 130 primary school students from my electorate of Flinders last month. Students from across grades three to six joined me at Hamer Hall for a live performance by the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra. The program was The Peasant Prince, by Melbourne composer Katy Abbott, and based on the life of Li Cunxin, from the famous Mao's Last Dancer, which forms part of MSO's Classic Kids program. The atmosphere was electric inside the hall as almost 2,500 children—and me too, I must admit—sat on the edge of their seats as Li's extraordinary life story was narrated, accompanied by Abbott's evocative music.

I have been a lover of the arts myself since I first visited Hamer Hall when it opened in 1983, and I understand the value of arts in the education and brain development of our children. I was particularly touched by one little girl sitting in front of me who was completely entranced by the performance, barely containing her excitement—at times even leaping from her seat, jumping up and down and throwing her hands into a heart shape. Move over Taylor Swift, I say. Here come the orchestra's bassoons.

This unique opportunity was provided by the rotary clubs up and down the Mornington Peninsula but especially the Rotary Club of Sorrento. I especially thank Andrea for her hard work in organising and fundraising for the first of what I hope will be many such occasions for our young people to come into the big city and hear performances of equal standards for themselves.