House debates

Monday, 24 June 2024


Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Amendment (Withdrawal from Amalgamation) Bill 2024; Second Reading

11:55 am

Photo of Mr Tony BurkeMr Tony Burke (Watson, Australian Labor Party, Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations) Share this | | Hansard source

I move:

That this bill be now read a second time.

This bill would amend the Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Act 2009 to allow the manufacturing division of the CFMEU to apply to the Fair Work Commission for a ballot of members about withdrawing from that union. The bill sets out eligibility rules of the new organisation that would apply if the ballot is successful, modifies certain provisions of the registered organisations act to allow an orderly ballot to occur and includes safeguards to address instances of overlap in the eligibility rules between the two resulting organisations.

The bill also provides for a legislative instrument to be made if the manufacturing division and the CFMEU reach agreement on eligibility rules and the CFMEU's new name by 30 August 2024 and written notice with prescribed information is given to the Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations. If this occurs, the minister is given the power to modify the application of the registered organisations act and the registered organisations regulations. This would be to give effect to the withdrawal of the manufacturing division or anything connected with that withdrawal. Safeguards on this power mean it is time limited and can only be exercised in relation to these particular circumstances. I hope all members will support this legislation, which will give affected members of the manufacturing division the opportunity to vote on whether to demerge from the CFMEU.

Debate adjourned.