House debates

Monday, 24 June 2024

Statements by Members

Holt Electorate: Neighbourhood Morning Tea

1:49 pm

Photo of Cassandra FernandoCassandra Fernando (Holt, Australian Labor Party) Share this | | Hansard source

Last Thursday I held my fourth neighbourhood morning tea, with special guest the Minister for the NDIS and Minister for Government Services, Bill Shorten MP. Forums like my neighbourhood morning tea are vital for me to meet members of our community and hear their concerns, issues and feedback. This was the first one I've held in Cranbourne, and it was by far the biggest and most active, with over 200 people in attendance. It was great to have Minister Shorten attend to talk about the reforms to get the NDIS back on track after a decade of neglect by the former government. I also had the chance to highlight some of the major policies targeted at older Australians in the budget, such as the $300 energy bill rebate and the 10 per cent increase to Commonwealth rent assistance.

Thank you to everyone who attended the morning tea. Please continue to share your thoughts and concerns with me. Stay involved, stay informed and let's keep working towards a better future for Cranbourne.