House debates

Tuesday, 25 June 2024

  • Nuclear Energy (1 speech)
    Last week, after more than two years working towards a prosperous, renewable and sustainable future in Australia, the coalition announced they want us to walk away from it and face instead a...
  • Veterans (1 speech)
    Changi is synonymous with suffering, but it's also synonymous with courage, resilience, defiance and survival. Last week, it was my great privilege to attend the Swansea RSL Sub Branch on the...
  • Wannon Electorate: Cost of Living, Wannon Electorate: Emergency Services, Victoria: Infrastructure (1 speech)
    I rise today to ask the federal government and the Victorian state government to look incredibly seriously at the extraordinarily dry conditions across south-west Victoria and across south-east...
  • Labor Government (1 speech)
    This evening I rise to talk about the changes coming in on 1 July and other measures that the government has implemented to help families with the cost of living. With successive budget...
  • Cowper Electorate: Infrastructure (1 speech)
    I'd like to start by recognising that many of the public think that a grievance speech is an epic rant or a whinge session about problems that we're all facing, so tonight I'm going to make a...
  • Middle East, Energy (1 speech)
    Today I want to make a statement about what is happening in Gaza. Like so many others, I am saddened and horrified by the confronting images of war that I see. I want to reaffirm that, at a human...
  • Energy (2 speeches)
    I thought it was a grievance debate, so I've got a grievance, after hearing the member for Fraser. I've got a grievance, that you're putting your swindle factories—your so-called...