House debates

Tuesday, 25 June 2024

Statements by Members

Albanese Government

1:57 pm

Photo of Kevin HoganKevin Hogan (Page, National Party, Shadow Minister for Trade and Tourism) Share this | | Hansard source

Now is the time when we need really strong leadership in our country, and, unfortunately, leadership has been lacking from this government on a number of very serious issues.

The first one is antisemitism in this country. In the history of our nation, we haven't seen a rise in antisemitism like we've seen under the watch of this government. We have students who feel scared to go to school, we have students who feel scared to be at university and we have Jewish people who are scared to be at their synagogues. This government and the leadership of this government needs to do much more on that issue.

With China, we've seen issues. We've seen the chaffing incident, which involved our aircraft. We saw the HMAS Toowoomba with the sonar incident. We've seen an incident with a journalist last week in this building. Again, these hard discussions have to happen from leader to leader. This can't happen from navy official to navy official. This can't happen in the discussion with the press after the event has happened. Much more needs to happen from the leadership of this government on that as well.

The last one is the nuclear debate that we've seen this week. What is the leadership of this government saying when they put out photos of three-eyed fish? What are they saying to our submariners who work with nuclear? What are they saying to the people who live near Lucas Heights? (Time expired)