House debates

Wednesday, 26 June 2024

Constituency Statements

Bleasdale, Councillor Tony, OAM, Coral McLean Awards, Bowen, Mr Ross James

9:33 am

Photo of Ed HusicEd Husic (Chifley, Australian Labor Party, Minister for Industry and Science) Share this | | Hansard source

At the beginning of May our community lost a great person in Tony Bleasdale, the mayor of the city of Blacktown. He was always and remains in people's memories as a fundamentally decent and loving person. Tony was first elected to council in November 1996, serving several terms before becoming Mayor of Blacktown City in October 2019. He was always giving and generous. He was always there for our people. He was never afraid to speak up, believing he had a role to play, as well, in advancing social justice for so many across our community. During his distinguished council career Tony helped deliver many projects and improvements to the community that he loved. For example, he promised to keep all our council workers employed during the pandemic, and he absolutely did so. In 2010 he was awarded the Medal of the Order of Australia for his support of charitable organisations and contributions to local government.

At a personal level I always thought the world of him and I was very lucky to know him. I extend—like our city does—our sympathies and love to his wife, Nina; his children, Frank, Cathy, Nick and Christina; and all their beloved grandchildren.

I recently also had the honour of hosting the annual Coral McLean Awards, which are dedicated to the memory of the late Coral McLean, an icon in the Chifley community. The awards reflect and celebrate the selfless contributions of women in our area who are helping improve the quality of life in so many of the neighbourhoods in the Chifley electorate, and it was a great time to reflect on the impact that they're having. I want to extend my congratulations to all nominees, whose tireless efforts had not gone unnoticed, but I give a particular congratulations to Aaliyah Filipe, awarded the Coral McLean Award for her work in empowering over 1,000 at risk young people in our area; Mary Vincent, Chifley Woman of the Year, a volunteer at Mt Druitt Palliative Care Unit who goes above and beyond to help patients, families and carers; and, finally, Emiline Babi, an aspiring student at St Bishoy College, who was awarded Chifley Young Woman of the Year for her work mentoring students and fostering a love of sport and physical activity. I thank the performers from Shalvey Chance2dance, as well as our guest speaker, the environment minister, Tanya Plibersek, who spoke warmly about the value of volunteers for their quiet and selfless work. Congratulations to everyone who was nominated and to all the winners. Our community is better because of you.

Finally, just on a personal level I formally acknowledge the passing of Ross Bowen—to Christine; their kids, Paul and Chris; and grandchildren, Gracie and Max. Ross, we are grateful for your service in Western Sydney and on the Central Coast, and we will always remember you warmly.