House debates

Wednesday, 26 June 2024

Statements by Members

Berowra Electorate: Westleigh Park

1:47 pm

Photo of Julian LeeserJulian Leeser (Berowra, Liberal Party) Share this | | Hansard source

The New South Wales Minns Labor government stands condemned for ripping $36 million out of our local community. In 2018, the New South Wales coalition government provided $40 million to Hornsby council for the construction of Westleigh Park. This project is a much-needed hub for northern Sydney, with biking courses, sports fields and communal green spaces. Local AFL, rugby, cricket and mountain-biking clubs, as well as soccer clubs, campaigned for, and awaited eagerly, six new fields. Our community is crying out for more recreation spaces and sports facilities, especially as the New South Wales government's ill-considered housing policy rapidly overwhelms existing infrastructure in our area. Hornsby council was undertaking comprehensive planning and in-depth community consultation. All was progressing well, and construction was due start later this year. That was until the residents of Westleigh, local sporting groups and Hornsby council were blindsided by the Minns government ripping $36 million out of Westleigh Park.

Chris Minns's $36 million money grab means no cycling tracks, no walking paths, no exercise spaces, no playing fields and no playgrounds for Westleigh. It means years of wasted planning, consultation and progress. This is a complete abandonment of the hopes, hard work and needs of the Hornsby area by the Labor government, which treats my people like dirt. The forthcoming Hornsby by-election is our chance to send a message to Chris Minns and the Labor Party that they can't get away with treating our community with contempt.