House debates

Wednesday, 26 June 2024

Statements by Members

Headen, Mr Peter

1:54 pm

Photo of Dan TehanDan Tehan (Wannon, Liberal Party, Shadow Minister for Immigration and Citizenship) Share this | | Hansard source

I rise to give a shout-out to Peter Headen, or 'Heado', as he's affectionately known, in Warrnambool in south-west Victoria. He has been involved in radio broadcasting for 40 years, and he's retiring at the end of this month. What he has done for the local community has been quite extraordinary. Not only has he had his own radio shows, but Heado has been part and parcel of every single major community event—and never more so than when we lobbied and asked for an integrated cancer-care centre in Warrnambool. Heado, through his advocacy and through the local community, made sure we got delivered that wonderful project, which is now saving many lives. He has also hosted the 3YB marquee at the wonderful May Racing Carnival for three days, year upon year upon year, and many people have enjoyed the wonderful hospitality—maybe some even a little too much.

Heado has been an absolute legend. I found out today that we nearly lost him, because he'd thought about being a librarian. I don't think he would have made a great librarian, but he has been a fantastic radio broadcaster and a fantastic manager of the local radio station. Heado, enjoy your retirement, and it's wonderful to know that you're going to continue delivering for our community.