House debates

Wednesday, 26 June 2024

Statements by Members

Albanese Government

1:57 pm

Photo of Luke HowarthLuke Howarth (Petrie, Liberal Party, Shadow Assistant Treasurer) Share this | | Hansard source

Bring on the election next year, in 2025, because you can't believe a word this mob says. Whether it's the Prime Minister, the Minister for Climate Change and Energy or the Treasurer here—the whole lot of them can't be trusted. They said, at the last election: 'My word is my bond;' 'We won't touch superannuation;' 'We won't touch stage 3 tax cuts;' and, 'Your electricity bills will come down by $275.' And—for the people in the gallery—what's happened? Every single one of your bills has gone up by a thousand dollars. Yet this mob and this bloke said, 'a $275 reduction'. This election will be about trust, and they cannot be trusted. When they open their mouths, they cannot be believed.

The reality is that their plan to reduce costs for electricity is: renewables, only. They have a plan—not for solar on rooftops, but to run out 58 million Chinese-made solar panels; 3,500 new industrial wind farms, made in China; and 28,000 kilometres of transmission lines, at a cost between $1.2 trillion and $1.5 trillion, independently assessed by government and industry.

The coalition has a plan for renewable and modern, nuclear power—emissions-free—that will reduce power costs. They'll not go up.

When it comes to 2025, this Labor government can't be trusted.

Government Members:

Government members interjecting

Photo of Milton DickMilton Dick (Speaker) Share this | | Hansard source

Order. Order. There's far too much noise.

Government members interjecting

Order! Members on my right will cease—

Order! The member for Paterson will cease interjecting. I'd like to hear from the member for Hawke.