House debates

Thursday, 27 June 2024



4:40 pm

Photo of Michelle LandryMichelle Landry (Capricornia, National Party, Shadow Assistant Minister for Manufacturing) Share this | | Hansard source

Housing is more than just a basic human need. It is the foundation upon which individuals build their lives, their dreams and their futures. For those living with disabilities, accessible and specially designed housing is not a luxury; it is a vital necessity. Purpose-built housing offers tailored environments that accommodate the unique needs of individuals, promoting their well-being and enabling them to participate fully in all aspects of life.

Consider the challenges faced by individuals with disabilities in our current housing landscape. Many are confined to spaces that do not cater their needs, forcing them to navigate environments that are not only inconvenient but often hazardous. This lack of suitable housing restricts independence, hampers quality of life and places undue distress on families and caregivers. Purpose-built housing with features such as widened doorways, roll-in showers, adjustable countertops and assistive technologies can transform lives. It can provide a safe, accessible and comfortable living environment where individuals with disabilities can thrive. These homes serve as a foundation for greater inclusion, enabling residents to engage more fully in their communities, pursue employment activities and contribute to a shared prosperity.

Investing in purpose-built housing is not merely a compassionate act; it is an economically sound decision. The need for housing, let alone purpose-built housing for those living with a disability, is at a crisis point in Capricornia. Anglicare Central Queensland released their rental affordability snapshot earlier this year and what they found is deeply concerning for those who are in the rental market. They found that, of the 317 rental properties on the market on 16 March and 17, only three per cent were suitable for those living on income support such as JobSeeker or the disability support payment.

In 2020, I was thrilled to deliver $950,000 through the former coalition government's Building Better Regions Fund for Multicap to construct purpose-built housing for those with high-needs disabilities. I have long championed the invaluable work that Multicap undertakes in Rockhampton and have witnessed firsthand the way they have changed the lives of those in their care. Understanding the crucial importance of delivering funding to support Multicap's efforts to provide safe and practical housing highlights the significant impact it has on the lives of individuals with disabilities.

Unfortunately, this is lost on those opposite. Last year I was appalled to learn that the department of infrastructure responsible for overseeing the Building Better Regions Fund had significantly cut Multicap's funding for their accessibility housing project. Following extensive lobbying to the minister for infrastructure, the department's decision was reversed. This reversal was a victory, not only for Multicap but, more importantly, for those who benefit from homes designed to enhance their quality of life.

In April this year with much fanfare and public attention Labor proudly cut the ribbon on Multicap's housing project in Rockhampton. Yet again, just last week, I was dismayed to learn that the department had decided to withdraw more than $275,000 from the final payment. This unexpected and unjustified decision undermined the hard work and dedication that went into the project. I never imagined that I would have to lobby so vigorously once more for this project, urging the minister for infrastructure to intervene and overturn the absurd decision to withdraw a substantial amount of promised funding for a crucial housing initiative.

Thankfully, I was informed by the Multicap team yesterday that the decision had been reversed and they would retain their funding. This is a fantastic outcome for Multicap and the clients and families they serve. I'm honoured to be able to support my community in this way. However, it should never have reached this point, particularly for a second time. The mental anguish and stress it has caused the team at Multicap is beyond comprehension. Their distress at such a de-commitment for a second time, mere months after opening, is further proof that this government is in a state of chaos and lacks control.

I will continue my unwavering fight for Capricornia, dedicating myself to the prosperity of our region and holding the Labor government to account.